Broomball Association of South Australia – By-Laws –January 2025 [Open in New Window]
Temporary Change to By-Laws
To assist teams with meeting the new gender requirements introduced in the January 2025 By Laws the committee is introducing a new temporary measure.
“Christine’s Rule” is a temporary measure to assist teams with the adjustment to the new gender requirements implemented with the January 2025 by laws update. This temporary measure overrides by laws 7.5 and 7.6.
7.5. A team short of field players may get a substitute player from another team to fill in up to a total of 5 field players but will be penalized a team goal for each player they use.
A team that is short 1 player that gets a substitute from another team shall start the game 1-0 down; a team that gets 2 substitutes shall start 2-0 down.
7.6. Teams may only get substitute players to complete their initial line up which is 5 players and a goaltender. Teams taking more than they require shall forfeit the match 10-0.
Replaced by:
A) A team short of MALE field players may get a substitute player from another team to fill in up to a total of 3 MALE field players but will be penalised a team goal for each player they use.
A team that is short 1 MALE field player that gets a substitute from another team shall start the game 1-0 down; a team that gets 2 substitutes shall start 2-0 down.
B) A team short of FEMALE field players may get a substitute player from another team to fill in up to a total of 2 FEMALE field players without any penalisation. If the team wishes they may get a substitute player from another team to fill in up to a total of 3 FEMALE field players but will be penalised a team goal.
A team that is short 1 FEMALE field player that gets a substitute from another team to have a total of 2 FEMALE field players shall start the game with no penalisation; a team that gets 1 or more substitutes to have a total of 3 FEMALE field players shall start 1-0 down.
7.6. Teams may only get substitute players up to an initial line of 3 Male field players, 3 FEMALE field players, and a goaltender. Teams taking more than they require shall forfeit the match 10-0.
BASA By-Laws - January 2025